It’s the day Logan and I look forward to EVERY year since the kids have been in preschool… the Thanksgiving Program at preschool! It’s overwhelmingly cute to see your kiddo up on stage, singing their heart out. Micah had her first preschool program yesterday and let me just say, it was the cutest thing ever! She’s been singing little songs around the house while she’s playing and it melts my heart. She’s kind of shy so I wondered how she would do on stage but she did great! After the kids sang, we enjoyed a little Thanksgiving lunch and enjoyed our time together. My favorite part was seeing the Thanksgiving themed placemat with turkey handprints. She listed the things she was thankful for on it and her list was, “Leaves, Mommy, Daddy, my brothers, Uncle Adam and Auntie’s Baby”. She’s just the sweetest thing and we love celebrating these moments with her!
Micah and my niece Maddison with their turkeys.
November 20, 2019
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